The corner of Memorial Ave and Greers Road to be made more ‘efficient’.
The Orbiter and motorists are inconvenienced by people on bikes and all those kids going to school on foot. The solution? Remove the cycle lane, narrow the footpath.
(See Spokes FB page posting for Council diagram and letter in 21.2.19 post)
Memorial Ave needs cycle lanes, people who want to cycle safely need infrastructure. Council staff continues to chip away on behalf of motorized transport with piecemeal ‘solutions’ which further prioritize motorists and enshrine their ‘existing use rights’.
Building a complete cycle network, encouraging walking and cycling, even to school, remains Council staff’s ‘too hard’ basket. This despite Council’s claim to be building for the interested but concerned cyclists.
Let Councillors know that real change is needed. No more catering to the status quo of motorized transport domination through piecemeal projects which just continue to increase car dependency and congestion. While formal submissions to this project are not being taken the Community Board will consider it at their Monday 18 March meeting. Politely let Councillors and Community Board members know what you think.
This project is in the Fendalton/Waimairi/Harewood Community Board. Email: Chair Deputy Chair and local Councillors and It’s an election year, perhaps they will listen.