
CCC Long Term Plan 2018 Submission

Please comment with your ideas, share and do make a submission! Due in by April 13.   Submission from Spokes Canterbury  Submission Synopsis Appreciation for the Major Cycleways Acknowledge and compensate for the inequitable funding of cycling infrastructure over the past decades Revisit, improve and deliver the implied promise of Share and Idea and […]

Bicycle Happiness

CCC LTP 2018 Easy As

Hi: This could be the easiest sub you ever make, and one of the most important. Go to and fill out the form. What to say? Tell Council: • Why cycling is important to you • How it helps you to get around • How much you like the new Major Cycle Routes and […]


CCC Kilmore Colombo to Durham

For those who commute east west through the city plans for Kilmore Street need your submissions.                                 Closes 21.3.18   This is Spokes take: The Accessible City Plan does a very poor job of providing safe cycling infrastructure for commuter cyclists. Kilmore Street should do the best job possible to make up for this. Please […]