Becoming a member is free, with optional financial membership.
Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, containing the latest news of what's happening in the cycling world both locally and beyond.
Cycle more and encourage others to cycle, check our our Resources Page.
There are multiple events throughout the year to encourage others to get out on their bikes such as
- Biketober - Christchurch's Annual Cycling Festival during the month of October
- Aotearoa Bike Challenge - A yearly fun and friendly event where businesses and individuals compete to reduce car trips and have fun!
- The Winter Solstice Ride - A midwinter cycle around Hagley Park, festoon you bike with colourful lights and cycle with friends and family.

Spoke are always looking for encouraging members to join their community. Here's how you can get involved.
- Head to our Facebook page and start getting involved in discussions. From there you'll find out where you can best contribute your energy to advocate for cyclists in Canterbury.
- Join cycling events around Canterbury. Find out about upcoming cycling events on our events calendar.
- If you are prepared to come to monthly meetings and want to be an active member, please see contact us to find out more.

Spokes needs your help getting our voices heard by the Christchurch City Council and wider communities. Visit our submissions page and have your say. We encourage your submissions to echo and supporting the issues Spokes identifies. If you would like to become more involved please contact us to become part of our monthly meetings.

We are a group of volunteers who donate our time to make cycling safe for everyone. Funding helps us buy stationery, improve our knowledge of best practice by attending workshops and fora, host events to share knowledge etc.
When you Join CAN part of your fee comes back to Spokes to assist our advocacy work.