Currently the best way to support Spokes is by becoming a member or donating to the Cycling Action Network. (CAN)
With a CAN membership, the subscription contribution is divided equally between Spokes and CAN. This is important as CAN advocates for cycling at a national level.
Please ensure when registering as a CAN member, select the option to affiliate with Spokes Canterbury so CAN know to allocate half your membership fee and other donations to Spokes.
CAN is a registered charity. You may be eligible to claim a tax credit for a donation of $5 or more.
However if you wish to donate directly to Spokes, you can do so below.
We are a group of volunteers who donate our time to make cycling safe for everyone. Funding helps us buy stationery, improve our knowledge of best practice by attending workshops and fora, host events to share knowledge etc.
In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:
- Make your donation via bank transfer to "Spokes Canterbury" 03-0855-0365443-000
- In the reference, please indicate "donation"
- Fill out your contact details below
- A receipt will be emailed to you upon receiving your donation
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged.
Spokes Canterbury thanks you for your donation!