road knot

MoT Government Policy Statement Transport 2021 due 11.5 Email for questions & subs Central government’s policy document for what it hopes to achieve in transport over the next 10 years. This is a BIG policy document which sets transport funding for at least 3 years.  If you want an idea as to funding see Point 69 and Activity Class […]

Fat oil exercise

NZTA Accessible Streets

NZTA Accessible Streets due 22.4 & CAN Guide to this This is a big one for potential impact. It can appear daunting. You can write up your own or work through the online form. With all the support available, at CAN and with this, it should be fairly quick and easy. As always […]

CCC Waimairi-Rd 2020

CC Waimairi Road due 7.4.20 Council will need a lot of support to accomplish this. Please consider making a polite submission. Draft Sub Thanks to Council for better use of roads for transport and increased road safety. Removing on street parking can be contentious, but is clearly needed both to maintain traffic flow and to increase road […]

Bikes and watercraft

ECan Annual Plan 2020       due 25 March Please do make a submission. Too many of us have gotten busy and government needs reminding that we really do want to cycle where we need to go and to do so safely. Submission from Spokes Canterbury Thank you for tackling so many pressing issues for the health of the natural […]

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CCC Annual Plan 2020-21 Due 9 April Draft Sub Spokes thanks Council for this opportunity to offer our recommendations on the cycling projects and funding in the proposed draft Annual Plan 2020-21. Spokes fully supports the MCR’s and delivering them as quickly as possible. We need more MCR’s and a completed city wide cycle network.       […]

cycle in traffic

CCC Wairakei Grahams Intersection Due 9 March Wairakei Grahams Intersection Submission Spokes supports the Councils efforts to make this intersection safer. The current plans fail to accomplish that goal. This is yet another project which needed input from people who cycle early on. Instead we have a project which leaves cyclists disadvantaged and at risk. Interested but concerned […]

CCC Spreydon Cashmere Community Board Plan 20 due 9 March Spreydon Cashmere Community Board Plan 2020 With climate challenges and transport costs increasing more people will want to use bicycles for transport. All routes will need to provide for safe inviting cycling. It is good to see the Board taking up this long neglected work. Spokes strongly supports the Community Boards […]

Fat oil exercise

CCC Linwood Central Heathcote Community Board plan 2020 Due 6 March Submission Spokes thanks the Community Board for putting forth an ambitious plan responsive to community needs. Well connected communities where people feel safe and can get around easily on foot are important. Including safe cycling infrastructure should be prioritized as it also supports these goals and Council’s commitment to being carbon […]


CCC Papanui Innes Community Board Plan

Due 2 March (only 11 days allowed for consultation) With all the plans up for consultation it has been a challenge. Apologies for the short notice and please do make a submission. It is great to hear that the Board advocates for a functioning traffic network supporting connected communities. Too much of the Board’s […]