tram bike crash

CCC High Street

Yet another project focused on offering on street parking. For one key block this is a priority cycle route. Even if you avoid this area now, please consider making a submission to help others who have to cycle here. Link : due 10.6 DRAFT SUB Thank you for trying to make the best of […]


CCC Slow Speed Extension

CCC Slow Speed Extension Sub Closes 4 September Spokes Canterbury generally supports lowering speed limits as presented in this proposal. The 10km/h limit is likely to be unrealistic as many people will cycle at a slightly faster rate simply to maintain balance and manoeuvrability. With cycling in the central city primarily on shared streets […]


CCC Kilmore Colombo to Durham

For those who commute east west through the city plans for Kilmore Street need your submissions.                                 Closes 21.3.18   This is Spokes take: The Accessible City Plan does a very poor job of providing safe cycling infrastructure for commuter cyclists. Kilmore Street should do the best job possible to make up for this. Please […]