
Due 29 June

A new signalized intersection at Augustine Drive/Halswell Road required for increased traffic and Canterbury Agricultural Park pedestrian and cycle safety. If you ride this route please comment and do consider making a submission to CCC.


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Halswell Road heading west

Provide signage/on road markings starting at Hendersons Road to direct left turning cyclists to merge to shared path. Provide an obvious and smooth transition down to the on road cycle lane on Monsaraz Blvd.

Extend cycle advanced stop green area to include the right turn lane so cyclists in the cycle lane who need to turn right onto Augustine can have advanced start.

Halswell Road heading east

Extend green cycle advanced stop to left turn lane to deter motorists from stopping in this area thereby blocking left turning cyclist awaiting the light to change.

Augustine Drive heading south

Extend green cycle advanced stop to left turn lane to deter motorists from stopping in this area thereby blocking left turning cyclist awaiting the light to change.

Extend cycle advanced stop green area to include the right turn lane so cyclists in the cycle lane who need to turn right onto Halswell Rd. can have advanced start.

Monsaraz Blvd heading north

Extend green cycle advanced stop to left turn lane to deter motorists from stopping in this area thereby blocking left turning cyclist awaiting the light to change.

Extend cycle advanced stop green area to include the right turn lane so cyclists in the cycle lane who need to turn right onto Halswell Rd. can have advanced start.


Related Improvements

Cycle lanes required on either Templetons or Augustine to connect up easily to Canterbury Agricultural Park. Both would be preferred. Shared path approach not recommended if Council is genuine in encouraging pedestrian/Public Transport and cycling to access major events at CAP.

Please review speed limits on SH 75 from the south leading to this intersection.

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