S Express MCR Elizabeth St/Division St Redux Due 12 June
Once again Council has sided with the NIMBY’s to downgrade safety on a Major Cycle Route. It will take LOTS of individual submissions to overcome this. Please take the few minutes necessary to speak out for the right of people to cycle safely.
Link https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/consultations-and-submissions/haveyoursay/show/243
Plan 1: Spokes opposes the revised plans for Elizabeth St. at Division St. Spokes supports the original plan over the proposed changes.
Plan 2: Spokes continues to oppose on street car parking on the north side of Elizabeth St. The original plan was already flawed. The proposed changes encourage more motor vehicle crossing of and encroachment on this MCR.
Plan 3: Spokes is in support.
Plan 4: Spokes supports the speed limit changes to Matipo St.
This revision gives priority to cars over people on bikes. This is not acceptable on a MCR. Closing Elizabeth St. at Clarence St will have all traffic going to residences and church and approximately half of dairy traffic crossing the cycle path. People on bikes are to give way on what is supposed to be a MCR. Road safety is diminished.
No indication as to why the original excellent proposal for this intersection has been changed is provided. Is it to benefit the residents of this short block of Elizabeth St who will now be spared from traffic from Clarence Street passing their homes? No other reason is apparent.
This proposed change benefits residences by having traffic on “their” street reduced at the expense of road safety and priority for people on bicycles. Council has clearly stated that MCR’s are to be opportunities for people on bikes to travel with minimal exposure to motorized traffic and interruption. The revision is counter to the intent of the MCR’s and to road safety.
Spokes notes, yet again, staff have restricted early consultation to only a few selected stakeholders resulting in yet another plan which diminishes road safety and the needs of people who cycle and discourages those who would like to cycle. A full revision is presented as a fait accompli without rationale for the change or critical evaluation of the consequences or impact on road safety. This has got to stop. Picking and advantaging special interest groups over all others is not democracy.